
EPA regulations requires owners of UST facilities to designate individuals to serve as Class A, B, and C operators for each facility. All personnel designated as Class A, B, or C operators must complete and pass an approved UST operator training course in order to be certified for these positions.

Total Environmental Concepts, Inc. has been approved by Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia to provide this training and is pleased to present this proposal to train your operators.

Class A and B operator training is a one-day, approximately four to six hour course and will encompass the primary responsibilities associated with the operation and maintenance of an UST system, implementation of applicable UST regulations as set forth in 40 CFR 280, and the proper monitoring of regulated substances and how to respond to emergencies such as spills or releases.


Specific training topics include:

  • Spill prevention and reporting
  • Overfill prevention
  • Release detection
  • Corrosion protection
  • Emergency response actions
  • Product and equipment compatibility
  • Financial responsibility
  • Maryland UST registration requirements
  • Temporary and permanent closure requirements
  • Operator training and certification
  • Recordkeeping requirements
  • How to verify testing of release detection methods and release prevention equipment
  • The inspection of spill prevention, overfill prevention and corrosion protection equipment for proper operation
  • Performance of UST equipment system tests
  • Evaluation of compliance with UST equipment manufacturers and third party performance standards
  • Emergency response and reporting procedures
  • Records completion and retention to demonstrate compliance
Training 1