
City of Baltimore, MD

Task order contract that includes removals, repairs, upgrades and replacements of both underground and aboveground fuel storage tanks at the City’s numerous fueling facilities and heating oil systems. To date, we have performed nine (9) UST removals, two (2) UST installs, six (6) AST removals, six (6) AST installs, fourteen (14) OWS cleanings, fifty-two (52) tank system repairs, and twelve (12) environmental related services including site assessments, monitoring well installations and abandonments, and EFR events.

City of Baltimore

City of Baltimore, MD – Environmental Remediation Services at City Facilities 

TEC was awarded a basic order agreement with the City of Baltimore to conduct comprehensive asbestos environmental inspections.  Each facility was inspected and sampled for potential asbestos-containing materials (ACM) by a certified industrial hygienist (IH).  Bulk samples were collected from homogeneous areas of potential asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) and categorized into surfacing materials, thermal system insulation (TSI), and miscellaneous material.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-accredited asbestos IH performed the inspections and a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)-accredited laboratory was utilized. Survey and assessment protocols for ACBM were based on those adopted by the EPA as detailed in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 763, Subpart E, as referenced in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) asbestos in construction standard (29 CFR 1926.1101).

Asbestos Consulting

DC Housing Authority (DCHA)

TEC provides all materials, equipment, supervision personnel and other items and services to perform lead inspection and risk assessment services for DCHA. Industrial hygienists and environmental technicians conduct lead related services in accordance with work practice standards of the District of Columbia (DC) Housing Urban Development (HUD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  

DC Housing Authroity